GoDaddy APAC

GoDaddy APAC Coupons & Promo Codes August 2024

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GoDaddy APAC Overview

Company Description:  GoDaddy is the world’s #1 domain name registrar and powers the world’s largest cloud platform dedicated to small, independent ventures. With +17 million customers worldwide and 73 million domain names under management, GoDaddy is the place people come to name their idea, build a professional website, attract customers and manage their work. Campaign Description:  Team up with GoDaddy and earn on revenue share model. Commissionable Items include domain names, website hosting, website builders, e-commerce solutions, hosting plans, Office 365 products, email marketing and more!  Campaign Objective:  The objective of the campaign is to sell GoDaddy services like Domain names, website hosting, website building etc. Team up with GoDaddy and earn up to 7%* revenue share. Commissionable Items include domain names, website hosting, website builders, e-commerce solutions, hosting plans, Office 365 products, email marketing and more!   Start earning money with Join Now! Trademarks Client do not allow any search engine bidding on trademark and brand terms. All misspellings and variations are also restricted. The use of in the display URL of search listings is prohibited. *Some product exclusions apply. **GoDaddy pays commission to any publisher that generates sales from within any of the countries listed in the serviceable areas.  Serviceable Area: China India Indonesia Pakistan Bangladesh Japan Philippines Vietnam Thailand Myanmar South Korea Malaysia Nepal North Korea Australia Taiwan Sri Lanka Cambodia Papua New Guinea Laos Singapore New Zealand Mongolia Timor Leste Fiji Bhutan Solomon Islands Maldives Brunei Vanuatu New Caledonia French Polynesia Samoa Guam Kiribati Micronesia Tonga Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Islands American Samoa Palau Cook Islands Tuvalu Wallis And Futuna Nauru Niue Tokelau Policies:  Search Campaigns - Protected SEM Bidding Keywords  All trademark and brand terms of "Go Daddy". All misspellings and varations are also restricted. Examples of which are: go daddy, godaddy, To avoid TM violations and legal issues, no advertisements or keyword bidding on any TM terms. You agree to not utilize, advertise or otherwise promote, any mark of GoDaddy in the headline or description copy associated with pay-for-placement search engines or paid search engine advertising. Unless You have explicit, written approval from GoDaddy, You may not bid on any mark of GoDaddy, on any pay-for-placement search engines. If GoDaddy determines, in its sole discretion that You have violated any of the foregoing prohibitions, GoDaddy may seek any and all remedies available to it, including, among other things, the immediate termination of this Agreement and/or the commencement of an action by GoDaddy against You seeking, without limitation, injunctive relief and/or recovery of actual, statutory and/or punitive damages. Further, You acknowledge and agree that You shall have no right to receive any commissions on any sales You generate or assist in generating during any times when You are in violation of this Agreement or other policies of GoDaddy. Negative Matching for Protected Keywords   Required Search Campaigns - Non-compete SEM Bidding Keywords   domain(s), domain name(s), domain name registration(s), domain registration, domain name register, register a domain, cheap domain(s), cheap registration(s) Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Display URL Content   Affiliates may not use or other Go Daddy trademarked terms in their URL. Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content   Affiliates may not use or other Go Daddy trademarked terms in their ad copy. Search Campaigns - Direct Linking   No Search Campaigns - Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers   You may not use any mark of GoDaddy or any variation thereof, in any manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement. In particular, You may not use any mark of GoDaddy, or any variation thereof, directly or indirectly in (a) metatags, (b) in hidden text, page titles or source code, (c) in Your domain or sub-domain, and/or (d) any other manner. You may not engineer Your site in such a manner that pulls Internet traffic away from GoDaddy's website. Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords   All trademark and brand terms of "Go Daddy". All misspellings and variations are also restricted. Examples of which are: go daddy, godaddy,, godaddddy, godady. To avoid TM violations and legal issues, no advertisements or keyword bidding on any TM or TM+ terms. Web Site - Prohibited Web Site URL Keywords   All trademark and brand terms of "Go Daddy". All misspellings and variations are also restricted. Examples of which are: go daddy, godaddy,, "godaddddy”. Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Content   Your Web Site shall not collect personal information about minors without their parent's prior written consent; contain pornographic or obscene content, tasteless images, or excessively violent or hate-related material, as determined by Go Daddy in its sole and absolute discretion; encourage the use of a controlled substance; encourage unlawful behavior; display, promote or sell illegal content, or offer any illegal product or service; violate any applicable law; contain any false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, slanderous or libelous content or statements; advocate, promote, or encourage violence or discrimination against any person, organization, or governmental entity; contain Links to Web Sites containing the serial numbers for unlocking software illegally, pyramid schemes, or impersonations of another person or organization; or contain Links to Web Sites containing any of the aforementioned content. Web Site - Unacceptable Web Sites   Your Web Site or Publishing Location shall not in any way copy or resemble the look and feel of Go Daddy's Web Site or Web Site content, and You shall not create the impression that Your Web Site or Publishing Location is part of Go Daddy's network of Web Sites. This includes using Go Daddy's trademarks, trade names, or any variations or misspellings thereof, in your URL, business name, or site name. You shall not "frame" or permit the "framing" of any page of Go Daddy's network of Web Sites. You may not engineer Your site in such a manner that pulls Internet traffic away from GoDaddy's website. Web Site - Use of Logos and Trademarks in Web sites   You may not use any mark of GoDaddy or any variation thereof, in any manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement. In particular, You may not use any mark of GoDaddy, or any variation thereof, directly or indirectly in (a) metatags, (b) in hidden text, page titles or source code, (c) in Your domain or sub-domain, and/or (d) any other manner. Incentivized Traffic   Not allowed Email   Allowed Sub-Affiliates   Allowed Social Media   Allowed Coupons and Promotional Codes   Publishers may only use coupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through the affiliate program Non-Commissionable Items   Aftermarket Products, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations and Round up for Charity donations. Miscellaneous - Special Instructions   GoDaddy may, in its sole discretion, reject your application immediately or terminate this agreement with a seven (7) days written notice, if the web site is not live, is under construction, or is a personal homepage, personal site or is otherwise unsuitable. You acknowledge that you will not do anything to give the impression to anyone that you are an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") approved registrar. requires FTC compliance from all our affiliate partners. These requirements apply to affiliates who promote our products via written reviews, testimonials, endorsements or other forms of written promotion. They are not applicable to display ads, text ads, or other traditional forms of advertisement. Engage in activities, whether lawful or unlawful, that Go Daddy determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, to be harmful to Go Daddy or its customers, employees, operations, or reputation. You will not do anything to give the impression to anyone that you are an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") approved registrar. You will not engage in activities, whether lawful or unlawful, that Go Daddy determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, to be harmful to Go Daddy or its customers, employees, operations, or reputation. You will not use advertising and or promotional materials, trademark or name in a way which negatively affects our image. GoDaddy shall have the sole right to decide if a promotional method you use is appropriate. The use of any advertising method that we consider inappropriate may result in warning, suspension or termination of your affiliate account and cancellation of all outstanding commission payments due. You acknowledge and agree that GoDaddy solely has an obligation to pay commissions on coupon codes that are supplied to you. Any and all other commissions, including those earned on sales in violation of the above coupon code policy, will be reversed. GoDaddy does not pay commissions on purchases made by customer with the following coupon codes: a coupon code not supplied through the Admitad Account Manager, a coupon code from an internal GoDaddy or private discount code, a coupon code supplied in GoDaddy customer emails, and any coupon that states on its landing page that it is "not compatible with the affiliate program". You acknowledge and agree that GoDaddy will not pay commission on any auto-renewal of purchases made by a customer, or any GoDaddy product or service already placed in shopping cart by a customer before an affiliate link is clicked. GoDaddy will pay commission on renewals but only if the customer clicks the affiliate link again before the renewal items are placed in the shopping cart. You are not eligible for commissions on purchases made by You, Your employees, agents, representatives, or contractors. GoDaddy may suspend your commission payouts at any time and for any period, if we suspect fraudulent or other improper activity or a potential violation of this Agreement by you or any customer you refer. You will not provide cash back, rewards or any other kind of incentives to obtain the sale without our prior approval. Incentivized traffic is prohibited unless You have explicit, written approval from GoDaddy.        
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